We love to watch the magic in our Two Classes as the children take steps on their journey to independence.
“We love seeing the children’s excitement when they greet us at the classroom door! ”
“Exploring the world alongside a two-year-old is purely magical.”

Our youngest children have the MOST fun! For many entering the 2’s class, this is their first experience away from their main caregiver. We create a caring and engaging experience that children blossom in, as we nurture independence. The children enjoy a varied and exciting theme-based curriculum, centered on their interests, and relevant topics to the world around them. We celebrate friendships and strive toward collaborative play. Our 2-year-olds are not expected to be potty trained but we will work with parents effectively to support this process.
Examples of themes in our 2 year old class: Farm, Colors, Winter, Ourselves
Free Play
Adult-led and independent activities
Yoga and movement
Dramatic play, kitchen and home area
Manipulatives and blocks
Art easel, water/sand table
Cosy book corner
Circle Time
Music and song
Snack Time - a healthy snack sent from home
Indoor Big Room - Climbing structure, basketball, bikes
Time in all our learning environments: Classroom, Big Room and Playground