Together we can provide an environment for building healthy life-long habits.
Our goal is for children to learn how to make healthy choices and to know the purpose of a healthy and active lifestyle.

“Your child's health is the foundation of all growth and development.”
We encourage healthy, happy children by providing an active curriculum, encouraging healthy eating, and embedding in all children the importance of making healthy choices,
Riverview Nursery School does not accommodate for sick children. We have established a Health Care Plan and Guidelines to provide consistent information for parents when children need to remain at home until completely well. Click here for more info: Health Care Plan
SNACK TIME is a fun time for children to share a healthy snack! It provides opportunities for conversation about healthy foods, seasonal fresh produce, how fruits and vegetables grow, etc. Snack is enjoyed in all our morning programs and we have a second snack for children who are with us in the afternoon. We encourage parents to send fruits, vegetables, cheese, yogurt, or other healthy alternatives. Water is provided as our beverage of choice. We will not serve children juice, sugary or salty foods for snack. Being able to sample new healthy foods helps children acquire new tastes for healthy foods and change eating patterns early in life.
LUNCHES for children attending extended and full-day programs are brought from home and should include nutritious foods with water or low-fat milk. Fruits and veggies are stressed for a balanced meal. Soup and dinner leftovers may be warmed up just prior to lunch.
“I really liked the Healthy Hearts Club because no other school does that, I liked the games I played with my friends, and I loved the teachers at Riverview!”
HEALTHY HEARTS CLUB is our lunch program for 4-year-olds. It is designed to educate children about the importance and benefits of eating healthy foods and of being active through games, activities, food sampling, etc. Please ask the 4’s teachers or the office staff for more information!
PLAYGROUND AND BIG ROOM PLAYTIME offers children 30 minutes of active play (half-day class) and more than 60 minutes of active play (full-day classes). One purpose of active play is to increase heart rate through planned and unstructured activities. It also allows for gross motor skill development in an age-appropriate and fun environment. Our philosophy aboutactive play is in accordance with the regulations set forth by NYS OCFS and the National Association for Sport and Physical Activity.
ALLERGIES, ASTHMA, AND OTHER HEALTH-RELATED ISSUES are a priority. A MAT (Medication Administration Training) certified teacher is present in school every day and on field trips. A Written Medication Consent Form must be provided to the school with the doctor's authorization and parent's signature and medication available for emergencies.