Spend just a little time in our Threes Classes and you will see children experiencing the world with inquisitive eyes – questioning and learning at every turn.
“Nothing makes me smile more than hearing laughter in the classroom, and hearing a child say three of my favorite words...I DID IT!”
Our 3-year-olds explore the world around them through a theme-based curriculum with play, art, exploration, and discovery at the core of our day here at Riverview. We enjoy a curriculum rich in story and creativity. We center our day around kindness and caring for our friends and we adopt a positive learning environment celebrating everyone’s successes and encouraging all. Our 3-year-olds fill their learning environment with laughter and joy reverberating around the school!
Examples of themes in our 3’s class includes Farm, Alphabet, Lizards and Amphibians, Spring, Transportation.
Half-Day Schedule
Free Play
Child-centered approach including individual and collaborative play
Dramatic play, kitchen area, art, science, books, easel water/sand table, manipulatives, blocks, cooking
Very early literacy and maths skills, taught through play and creative activities
Circle Time - books, music, discussions, and games
Role play
Snack Time - a healthy snack sent from home
Varied manipulatives encouraging fine motor skills
Climbing wall, climbing structure, obstacle courses, and bikes in the Big Room encouraging gross motor skills
Outdoor Playground
Yoga and movement
Extended Day
Lunch, classroom free play
Lunch, classroom free play, snack, playground/big room and rest time
Parents provide their child with a nutritious bag lunch (clearly labeled) and a beverage of water or 1% milk. Soup and other food can be heated up prior to lunch. Chocolate and other sweet treats, including gummies and fruit snacks, will remain in lunch bag for home.

“Teachers have three loves…Love of learning…Love of learners…And the love of bringing the first two loves together!” Scott Hayden…. Miss Theresa’s favorite quote